Volume  20  Number 1  January 2023 Volume 20 Number 1 January 2023

最小化 最大化

Journal of Mountain Science (Monthly, Started in 2004)

Volume  20  Number 1  January 2023


Cover       Contents

Mountain Hazards Environment

1-14 WANG, Neng-feng; HE, Jian-xian; DU, Xiao-xiang; CAI, Bin; ZHAO, Jian-jun

Deformation and failure mechanism of Yanjiao rock slope influenced by rainfall and water level fluctuation of the Xiluodu hydropower station reservoir

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

5-30 ÇELİK, Muhammet

Investigating the performance of passageway corridor for ground reinforced embankments against rockfall

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

31-48 LIU, Jing; FU, Hai-ying; ZHANG, Ying-bin; XU, Pei-yi; HAO, Run-dan; YU, Hai-hong; HE, Yun-yong; DENG, Hong-yan; ZHENG, Lu

Effects of the probability of pulse-like ground motions on landslide susceptibility assessment in near-fault areas

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

49-64 LYU, Xiao-bo; YOU, Yong; WANG, Zhuang; LIU, Jin-feng; SUN, Hao; ZHAO, Wan-yu

Characteristics of gully bed scour and siltation between check dams

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

65-77 YANG, Bing; HOU, Jiang-rong; ZHOU, Zi-hong; GOU, Jin-cheng

Influence of different soil properties on the failure behavior of deposit slope under earthquake after rainfall

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Mountain Environment


Overcast sky condition prevails on and influences the biometeorology of the tropical Andean Páramos

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

87-100 LI, Lin-lin; XIA, Jun-qiang; ZHOU, Mei-rong; DENG, Shan-shan; LI, Zhi-wei

A new formula of recovery factor for non-equilibrium transport of graded suspended sediment in the Middle Yangtze River

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

101-114 KHARUK, Viacheslav I.; PETROV, Il'ya A.; GOLYUKOV, Alexey S.; DVINSKAYA, Maria L.; IM, Sergei T.; SHUSHPANOV, Alexander S.

Larch growth across thermal and moisture gradients in the Siberian Mountains
Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

115-128 WANG, Hao; JIANG, Shan; WANG, Jia-bin; YU, Xiao-hang; HUANG, Jia-ning; LIU Jian-gang

Characteristics of the dynamic changes in active accumulated temperature in Sichuan, China in the last 51 years against the background of climate change

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink


Historical relationships of the Mesoamerican highlands, with emphasis on tropical montane cloud forests: a temporal cladistic biogeographical analysis

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

141-144 KANDEL, Shusila; KHADKA, Nitesh; TIWARI, Dhurba; SHRESTHA, Dibas; RIJAL, Kedar

Evolution and bathymetry of glacial lake at the lowest elevation in Nepal Himalaya

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

145-162 DIMRI, Deepika; KUMAR, Ambika; MISHRA, Deepak Kumar; SHARMA, Archana

Spatio-temporal variation of trace elements distributed over surface water of Upper Ganga River Basin in Western Himalayan Region

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

163-181 DEWI, Asih Perwita; PENIWIDIYANTI, Peniwidiyanti; Rifqi HARIRI, Muhammad; HUTABARAT, Prima Wahyu Kusuma; MARTIANSYAH, Irfan; LAILATY, Intani Quarta; MUNAWIR, Ahmad; GIRI, Misbah Satria; AMBARITA, Ervan

Ethnobotany of food, medicinal, construction and household utilities producing plants in Cikaniki, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, Indonesia

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

182-196 BAO, Han; TANG, Ming; LAN, Heng-xing; PENG, Jian-bing; ZHENG, Han; GUO, Guan-miao

Soil erosion and its causes in high-filling body: A case study of a valley area on the Loess Plateau, China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

197-208 SADEGHIRAVESH, Mohammad Hassan; KHOSRAVI, Hassan; ABOLHASANI, Azam

Selecting proper sites for underground dam construction using Multi-Attribute Utility Theory in arid and semi-arid regions

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Mountain Development

209-226 WANG, Lei; WU, Lian; ZHANG, Wei; JING, Wen-li

Dual-objective pattern optimization method for land suitability zoning in mountain counties

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Geological Engineering

227-241 ZHANG, Chi; JIN, Xiao-guang; HOU, Chao; HE, Jie

Mechanical and acoustic emission characteristics of anhydrite rock under freeze-thaw cycles

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

241-255 WANG, Dan; LIU, En-long; YANG, Cheng-song; LIU, You-qian; ZHU, Sheng-xian; YU, Qi-hao

Dynamic mechanical characteristics of frozen subgrade soil subjected to freeze-thaw cycles

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

256-272 TAO, Zhi-gang; LI, Meng-nan; LIU, Kui-ming; AI, Kai-wen; WANG, Yong

Damage evolution and strength attenuation characteristics of carbonaceous slate under low velocity dynamic impact

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

273-284 CHEN, Yu-yuan; WANG, Yu-ke; HAZARIKA, Hemanta; WAN, Yong-shuai

Strength and deformation behavior of the Yellow River silt under triaxial drained condition with considering characteristic states

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Cover photo taken by WANG Neng-feng

Serial parameters: CN51-1668/X*2004*M*A4*284*en*P*200*20*2023-1


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Fulltexts can be accessed athttp://link.springer.com/journal/11629 or http://www.cnki.net