Volume  19  Number  10  October  2022 Volume 19 Number 10 October 2022

最小化 最大化

Journal of Mountain Science (Monthly, Started in 2004)

Volume  19  Number  10  October  2022


Contents          Cover

Mountain Environment

2743-2757 CHAI, Le; ZHONG, Cun-di; GUO, Fu-sheng; HUANG, Xin-shu; WANG, Dao-ying; SHAO, Chong-jian; CHEN, Liu-qin

Evolution stage, spatial and temporal variabilities of granite landforms in the Mount Wugongshan in Jiangxi Province of South China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2758-2775 ALTINOĞLU, Fatma Figen; POLAT, Gulten

Structure and seismo-tectonic investigation of the Sarıgöl- Buldan region, Western Anatolia, by using gravity and seismicity data

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2776-2790 HUANG, Yun-xin; LIU, Zheng-jia; LIU, Yan-sui; LI, Yu-rui; LIU, Xue-qi

Compounding soils to improve cropland quality: A study based on field experiments and model simulations in the loess hilly-gully region, China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2791-2805 ZHAI, Bo; DANG, Xiao-hong; LIU, Xiang-jie; WANG, Ji

Fertile island effect in the sedimentary process of Tetraena mongolica Maxim nebkhas in steppe–desert ecotones on the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2806-2816 FADL, Mohamed A.; AL-YASI, Hatim M.; ALSHERIF, Emad A.

Effect of elevation on floristic diversity, life forms and chorotypes in the Al-Hada mountain escarpment, Saudi Arabia

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2817-2829 LIU, Zheng; SHENG, Fei; LIU, Shi-yu; WANG, Yan-yan; ZHOU, Chang-ming; GU, Chao-jun

Baseflow variations and its causes in a subtropical watershed of southern China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2830-2845 ZHANG, Bao-jun; XIONG, Dong-hong; LIU, Lin; TANG, Yong-fa

Wind erodibility indices of aeolian sandy soils impacted by different vegetation restoration: a case study from the Shannan valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2846-2860 MU, Hao-xiang; HAN, Fang; ZHANG, Bai-ping; LIANG, Tian; WANG, Zhi-yong; WANG, Zhe

Characteristics of timberline and treeline altitudinal distribution in Mt. Namjagbarwa and their geographical interpretation

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2861-2873 ZHOU, Jian; YANG, Fei-ling; ZHONG, Zi-jie; ZHANG, Ji; LENG, Xian; YE, Jin; WU, Rui-dong

Surrogacy of bird species in systematic conservation planning and conservation assessments in Yunnan Province, China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2874-2885 ZHOU, Yang; YI, Yu-jun; LIU, Hong-xi; TANG, Cai-hong; ZHU, Yu-long; ZHANG, Shang-hong

Effect of geomorphologic features and climate change on vegetation distribution in the arid hot valleys of Jinsha River, Southwest China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2886-2904 JIAN, Sheng-qi; ZHU, Tian-sheng; HU, Cai-hong

Integrating potential distribution of dominant vegetation and land use into ecological restoration in the Yellow River Basin, China

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2905-2919 SHI, Peng; QIN, Yan-li; LI, Peng; LI, Zhan-bin; CUI, Ling-zhou

Development of a landscape index to link landscape pattern to runoff and sediment

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Mountain Hazards

2920-2934 FENG, Zhu-jun; WANG, Xiu-li; RAN, Yong-hong

Dynamic impact of boulders on different types of concrete dam

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Geological Engineering

2935-2951 JIAN, Tao; KONG, Ling-wei; BAI, Wei; LIU, Bing-heng; SUN, Zhi-liang

Evolution of macro-meso properties of intact loess under long-term seepage and its influence on irrigation-induced loess flowslides

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2952-2967 ZHANG, Hao-nan; JIA, Cang-qin; WANG, Gui-he; SU, Fei; SUN, Yong-shuai; FAN, Chang-yi

Physical-mechanical properties of microbially induced calcite precipitation-treated loess and treatment mechanism

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2968-2986 ZHANG, Kai; ZHAO, Li-ming; ZHANG, Hai-long; GUO, Ao-jun; YANG, Bo; LI. Sheng

Numerical simulation on flow field, wind erosion and sand sedimentation patterns over railway subgrades

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2987-2998 YAN, Qi-xiang; ZHANG, Tian; ZHANG, Chuan; GUO, De-ping; QING, Song-yong

Analytical solution for steady seepage into a circular deep-buried mountain tunnel with grouted zone in anisotropic strata

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

2999-3012 LI, Cong; ZHANG, Rong-tang; ZHU, Jie-bing; LU, Bo; SHEN, Xiao-ke; WANG, Xiao-wei; LIU, Jie-sheng; WU, Liang-liang; ZHANG, Xin-zhou

Mechanism of progressive failure of a slope with a steep joint under the action of freezing and thawing: model test

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

Mountain Development

3013-3025 MCDOWELL, Graham; HANLY, Katherine

The state of mountain research in Canada

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink

3026-3036 LI, Ya-juan; OUYANG, Chen-xing; ZHOU, Sheng-yu; YU, Hu; KNIGHT, W David

Tourism dependence and poverty alleviation thresholds in Chinese ethnic tourism

Abstract                                           CNKI                                       SpringerLink



Cover photo taken by XIA Wei-min

Serial parameters: CN51-1668/X*2004*M*A4*294*en*P*200*20*2022-10


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Fulltexts can be accessed athttp://link.springer.com/journal/11629 or http://www.cnki.net