Landslide integrated characteristics and susceptibility assessment in Rongxian county of Guangxi, China Landslide integrated characteristics and susceptibility assessment in Rongxian county of Guangxi, China

最小化 最大化

Vol16 No.3: 657-676

Title】Landslide integrated characteristics and susceptibility assessment in Rongxian county of Guangxi, China

Author】LIAO Li-ping1,2,3; ZHU Ying-yan4; ZHAO Yan-lin1; WEN Hai-tao5*; YANG Yun-chuan1,2,3; CHEN Li-hua1; MA Shao-kun1; XU Ying-zi1

Addresses】1 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety of Ministry of Education, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China; 3 Guangxi Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Engineering Safety, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China; 4 Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Surface Processes, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China; 5 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Geological Environmental Monitoring Station, Guilin 541000, China

Corresponding author】WEN Hai-tao

Citation】Liao LP, Zhu YY, Wen HT, et al. (2019) Landslide integrated characteristics and susceptibility assessment in Rongxian county of Guangxi, China. Journal of Mountain Science 16(3).


Abstract】Landslides distribute extensively in Rongxian county, the southeast of Guangxi province, China and pose great threats to this county.At present, hazard management strategy is facing an unprecedented challenge due to lack of a landslide susceptibility map.Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to construct a landslide susceptibility map by adopting three widely used models based on an integrated understanding of landslide's characteristics. These models include a semi-quantitative method (SQM), information value model (IVM) and logistical regression model (LRM).The primary results show that (1) the county is classified into four susceptive regions, named as very low, low, moderate and high, which covered an area of 13.43%, 32.40%, 31.19% and 22.99% in SQM, 0.86%, 26.82%, 44.11%, and 28.21% in IVM, 9.88%, 17.73%, 46.36% and 26.03% in LRM; (2) landslides are likely to occur within the areas characterized by following obvious aspects: high intensity of human activities, slope angles of 25°~35°, the thickness of weathered soil is larger than 15 m; the lithology is granite, shale and mud rock; (3) the area under the curve of SQM, IVM and LRM is 0.7151, 0.7688 and 0.7362 respectively, and the corresponding success rate is 71.51%, 76.88% and 73.62%.It is concluded that these three models are acceptable because they have an effective capability of susceptibility assessment and can achieve an expected accuracy. In addition, the susceptibility outcome obtained from IVM provides a slightly higher quality than that from SQM, LRM.

Keywords】Landslide characteristic; Susceptibility zonation; Prevention regionalization; Rongxian county