2012 JMS Editorial Team Workshop was held in Chengdu 2012 JMS Editorial Team Workshop was held in Chengdu

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2012 JMS Editorial Team Workshop was held in Chengdu

        The Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) has developed rapidly in the numbers of submitted manuscripts and journal impact factor in recently years. Yet there is still great gap from the world top-rated journals of the similar fields. In order to find ways to further improve the journal quality and promote the influence of the journal in the world, a small scale editorial team workshop was held on November 15, 2012 in Chengdu. Participants included part of the editorial members and scientific editors in Chengdu, the associate editor-in-editor, Prof. Iain Taylor from University of British Columbia, Canada, and the editorial staffs of JMS.

       Prof. CUI Peng, the editor in chief of JMS, chaired the workshop, and expressed his thanks to the scientists in assisting manuscript review and journal promotion for the JMS, and hoped their consistent and greater support to the JMS in the future.

       Prof. QIU Dunlian, the executive editor in chief of JMS, introduced the developmental history and the editorial team of the JMS, and the measures that had taken to improve the journal quality and raise the influence of the journal in the past two years. She also listed several difficulties and issues the journal currently met, and asked for the constructive suggestions from the scientists.

       Scientists attending this workshop had an intensive and thorough discussion, and put forward a great deal of insightful suggestions on how to organize and attract high quality manuscripts, how to raise editors’ professional proficiency, and how to quicken manuscript processing procedure.

       JMS was founded in 2004, was included in SpringerLink in 2006, and in Science Citation Index (SCI) in 2007. The present impact factor of this journal is 1.000 (JCR, 2012).

Prof. CUI Peng chairs the workshop

Prof. QIU Dunlian reports the work on the Journal of Mountain Science

Prof. Iain Taylor talked about his views on how to improve the journal quality and influence international influence of the journal

 Scientists and editors attending the workshop