JMS Editors Attended 2015 European Geography Union and Made Journal Promotion JMS Editors Attended 2015 European Geography Union and Made Journal Promotion

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JMS Editors Attended 2015 European Geography Union and Made Journal Promotion

This April, JMS editors QIU Dunlian and ZHONG Yuqian attended the 2015 European Geography Union.

The purpose to attend this conference is to promote the Journal of Mountain Science to international scientists, solicit quality research papers, and communicate with the peers who are engaged in journal editing and publication.

We selectively attended the Union's Plenary Meeting, several division meetings such as the Natural Hazards Division Meeting, splinter meetings such as Global Network Of Mountain Observatories, and great debate such as Great debate on the Impact on Global Geoscience of Accelerating Asian Research. We also walked through the posters and tried to find potential quality research and talk with some scientists and solicit their contribution.

The print copies of the Journal of Mountain Science are placed in Springer’s exhibition shelves.

Prof QIU introduced the journal to the scientists.

Prof. QIU attended the discussion of Digital Representation of Physical Samples in Scientific Publications Earth System

Prof. QIU introduced the Journal of Mountain Science to one Philippine resarcher.

Editor Ms Zhong is skimming the posters

In the poster area, Prof. QIU is talking with two researchers.